Next up: NiederrheinCon 17 Aug, Germany

One con down, two to go.

After FeenCon was so delightfully successful, we can't wait to meet all of you again. Next up will be Niederrhein-Con in the Niederrheinhalle in Wesel, Germany, on 17 August from 9.30 a.m. Come visit us and get your dosage of Storylike, candy, and vouchers. We can't wait to meet you there!

And if you can't make it, we'll also be in Dreieich-Sprendlingen, Germany, on 19 October, exhibiting at this year's BuCon. 

New Feature: Invitations

From now on, you'll receive invitations you can accept or decline whenever somebody else grants you rights (as reader, contributor, or even moderator) in their story or wiki.

Invitations are visible right in your personal dashboard. If you accept an invitation, we'll add a bookmark for you and subscribe you for notications. If you decline, we'll remove the invitation and the associated privileges.

Feel free to use this helpful feature to spread your stories or invite people for feedback or support!

Bug Fixes 21/8/2019

There were lots of bug fixes issued in the last period:

  • Better UI and modularization of bookmarks.
  • Ability to mark news as read.
  • Last read information in storyblocks.
  • Issue with not updating decisions when follow-up node was removed.
  • Issue that progressing storyblocks result in multiple nodes to remain highlighted.
  • Rendering issues in graph for Firefox and Safari.
  • Better alignment of styles in editor toolbar.
  • Adjustment of max-height of an editor to the display size (to prevent endless scrolling).
  • Support for left and right alignment in toolbar.
  • Improvement of sending pageviews.
  • Improvement of speed and performance when loading a story.
  • Several authorization problems (authors could not export their stories properly).
  • Issues in notification panels and addition of "archive all" button.