New Feature: Invitations

From now on, you'll receive invitations you can accept or decline whenever somebody else grants you rights (as reader, contributor, or even moderator) in their story or wiki.

Invitations are visible right in your personal dashboard. If you accept an invitation, we'll add a bookmark for you and subscribe you for notications. If you decline, we'll remove the invitation and the associated privileges.

Feel free to use this helpful feature to spread your stories or invite people for feedback or support!

New Feature: Story Masters

We've introduced a new role "master" to replace "author" in order to make privilege management easier, more flexible, and consistent with other items in storylike (e.g. wikis).

Authors will still be visible to the audience of your story and are automatically discovered based on your master's authors. With this, your story masters gain the flexibility to choose their preferred author when they write in your story. On the other side, selected masters that don't create contents - such as lecturers - won't appear as authors in your story.

To use this new feature, simply choose the account you want to invite as master in your story or wiki.

New Feature: Graph Control

We're very proud to announce a big new storylike feature: Graph Control.

Graph Control allows you to control the appearance of your story's graph. As a story-owner or master, you may now simply drag & drop graph nodes whereever you need them to be. Advanced collision-avoid features support you during this kind of re-arrangement.

Use Graph Control to make your graphs easier to understand and extend!

Next up: BuCon Oct 19, 2019

We're on the road again. Well, actually, in a hall. In Bürgerhaus Dreieich-Sprendlingen near Frankfurt/Main, Germany, at BuCon to be exact. At 19 October 2019 from 10 a.m., to be specific. And we'd like to cordially invite you to visit us there, snuggle up in our pillows, read fantastic stories, eat yummy candy, and grab some even yummier vouchers.

Come on over and try storylike for good. We can't wait to meet you!

It'll be worth your while, promise!

New Feature: Wiki Management

We've taken the time to tidy up wikis optically: Collections are now listed beneath instead of beside each other. Their descriptions have loads of more formatting options. If you believe an article to be better suited for another collection, just put it there by drag&drop. And if you need to leave an article during editing, because you need to look up something in another article, you can do so without losing any progress.

All of this makes managing wikis so much easier. Try it out right away or let us show you this Saturday at BuCon in Dreieich, Germany.

Thanks, BuCon team!

This year, we've been at BuchmesseCon in Dreieich, Germany, for the first time and it just was a blast! Thanks so much to the whole organizational team for your great support and openmindedness regarding new ideas on how to write books.

Not only were we grazed with a very noticeable place near the entrance for our promotional booth, but also we had the chance to feature new possibilities for joint writing and selling of books to an audience of about 35 at our presentation in the afternoon. Here, too, BuchmesseCon team's support, time management, and warm interest were amazing! With that, we were able to overcome minor technical problems like Internet going missing after half of the presentation (thanks, Vodafone!).

For us, highlights were the openmindedness and familiar atmosphere of BuchmesseCon. Honest interest but also direct mentioning of resentments against internet-based platforms earned us many wonderfully open discussions and requests that were met at eye level. Thanks to that, we were able to take with us amazing feedback, and we hope to have equipped our prospects with many new ideas and possibilities of realization for their projects.

From our point of view, spatial proximity to Buchmesse Frankfurt was an absolute benefit as interested expert audience from all of Germany came by in the afternoon. This is also where we got our most beautiful feedback from a young author who said he just came from Buchmesse Frankfurt and was positively suprised by our innovative concept, as he would've expected to rather have seen our booth back there. This showed us that we were able to also attract and convince expert audience from Frankfurt at BuchmesseCon with its familiar and openminded environment - especially with young author networks.

This terrific fair day wouldn't have been possible without such an ambitioned and well-attuned team like the one from BuchmesseCon. You've cleared up all questions without any complications, and we didn't have to bear with any problem for more than five minutes - that was just great. Thank you so much for your support, you really did an amazing work! <3

Next up: DreieichCon 16/17 Nov 2019

In one-and-a-half weeks, we're back in Dreieich, Germany, at DreieichCon 2019! As always, our super cozy booth invites you to try out storylike, discover wonderful new stories, enjoy delicious candy, and take home vouchers.

So come on over on 16 and/or 17 November 2019 - we're so excited to meet you!
