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What is storylike?
inspiration and motivation!

With storylike we want to help you to write better stories more easily by giving you the power of a community with mutual motivation and inspiration.

  1. Start writing your story with a full featured toolset designed for authors.
  2. When you get stuck, need a little extra help, feedback or inspiration, share your story with friends or open for the community. Other authors can continue where you don't progress, and contribute additional or alternate plot-lines.
  3. Keep control by defining the setting of your story with e.g. characters, places, history, factions... Add notes, pictures, maps or videos to provide context to contributors and your readers.
  4. Finalize your story with the help and inspiration from others and publish it on storylike, export as e-book or print it to hard-cover.
and how does this work?

The core of storylike is that stories are not represented as linear text, but as graphs. You can easily introduce alternative or parallel storylines, join plotlines, without disrupting others creativity. Have a look on our video:

storylike reduces the complexity of collaborative creative work in order that you have more fun and success with your ideas!

Have a look at some stories
No need to log in to read all public stories. Just start exploring!
story cover
Kriegszug nach Normont
82.6 hours
Wir, Tassilo, der erste Unseres Namens, durch der Sieben Großen und Herrlichen Götter Gnaden Markgraf des Freien Fürstentums Yddland und seiner Festlandbesitzungen Korjak, Tarnow und Orkenstein-Süd, Ritter zu I... show more
story cover
Hort der Erinnerung
212.3 hours
[Rollenspielmaterial] Menschen haben keine genauen Erinnerung an frühere Zeiten mehr. Die eigene Kindheit ist häufig nicht mehr als eine nebelige Aneinanderreihung von Eindrücken und Bildern. Rokbur und Kjaelny... show more
story cover
Dream on Ice - Traum in Russland
10 min
Eisläuferin Jiranova und ihr Gehemnis: Eines Abends geht die 10 Jährige Jisoo, wie fast jeden Abend, vom Eiskunstlauftraining nach Hause. Auf ihrem Weg sieht sie im Gras ein kleines, dickes Büchlein liegen. Sie... show more
story cover
Verfluchte Zeiten
39.5 hours
Es sind unruhige Zeiten - Risse im Sphärengefüge nehmen zu, Reisende wandern und verlieren sich in den Welten und auch Hexer müssen sich entscheiden ob und auf welcher Seite sie stehen wollen.__________________... show more
story cover
Im Schutze Riasinas
16 min
Dies ist die Geschichte von Mara und Jonathan
Features and Plans
All prices include German VAT.
That's on us
free as in 'free speech'
  • Access to all public stories and wikis.
  • Contribute to stories and wikis you get invited to.
  • Unlimited public stories and wikis.
  • 2 private stories and 1 private wiki.
  • Up to 5 Pseudonyms for alter-ego’s.
  • Export your stories as structured text or PDF - ready to print.
  • Integrated chatroom for every story.
All you need for your own
€2.50 per month
€30.00 billed annually,
other options available
  • ALL Features from
  • No Ads, no distraction.
  • Unlimited pseudonyms for you
  • Export and download your stories.
  • An additional chatroom for your group
  • Connect to your chatrooms with app
Isolation? No Problem!
€0.00 per month
Limited offer, free during CORVID‑19 pandemic
  • ALL Features from
  • No Ads, no distraction.
  • Unlimited pseudonyms for you
  • Export and download your stories.
  • An additional chatroom for your group
  • Connect to your chatrooms with app