Pack Unpack It

We have it all: a small counter, a fluffy rug, three cozy stools, a pretty rollup banner, an impressive wall, an awesome team, and a reliable Viprinet router that keeps our premiere out of harm's way. And, most importantly: an excellent new app!

So, don't forget: Meet us tomorrow from 10 a.m. on in Bonn, Germany!

And so it begins...

Today at FeenCon 2019 in Bonn, Germany, we'll start our own story: This is where storylike premieres and we cordially invite to come over, stay a while, and discover what we've been working on so hard these past few months! Get cozy, experience stories with us, and sponge vouchers for 3 months of free premium storylike. Don't wait any longer and hurry to Bonn!

Successful premiere? Check!

What a great Saturday at FeenCon 2019! We've handed out more than 300 flyers which shows us that we've done the right thing creating storylike. Many thanks to all of you who've visited us at our booth yesterday! We're already prepped for another day and lots more exciting and inspiring talks. And Stefan will explain how to co-write stories in Parkhalle 1 at 11 a.m. Come over, we have candy!


FeenCon 2019 was incredible! So many talks, so many authors, so many game masters, so much precious feedback! We really had a ball which is due to a fantastic booth team, so THANKS for explaining storylike, answering questions, and laying trails with candy. You were awesome, all of you! Coming up next is us trying to process all those impressions and implementing the ideas and impressions we were so generously given. What a motivation booster! Herz <3

Watch us shine!

storylike in a nutshell! The DORP, a German independent website for all things roleplay, interviewed us at this year's FeenCon and thus provided wonderful insight into what storylike is and offers: a platform for non-linear and collaborative writing where many authors may co-write one story at the same time without interfering with each other; each plot line persists, all copyrights are secured. This way, linear texts transform into experiential adventures. Thanks, Thomas Michalski, for capturing that essence.

New Feature: Edit in context

We've added a new feature that lets you edit your wiki articles directly in your story and even add new articles without having to interrupt your writing process.

Open your story, locate the wiki article you want to change, and simply click on the "edit" button. You can edit multiple articles at the same time. After changing text, uploading new images, or linking videos, just press save to ensure your changes will be applied.

To add new articles, simply click the "+" button of the wiki collection you want to expand.

This way, you can add new facts without leaving your story and thus write even faster and more efficiently.

Bug Fixes 27/7/2019
  • We've improved our way to always deliver the latest version of the application.
  • The button "archive all" in the notification panel has been fixed.
  • The notification counter updates immediately as you're reading notifications.
  • We've added more information to the notification panel. Before, story blocks just had some static text, now they include the title.
  • When you publish a story block the first time without a title, now the first 50 characters are automatically set as title including an abbreviation marker.